
- S4x25 ICS Security Conference: It’s Not as Simple as “Use A Memory-Safe Language”
- High Performance Transaction Systems (HPTS): Object Storage and In-Process Databases are Changing Distributed Systems
- J On The Beach: Interview
- J On The Beach: Bridging the Gap: The Convergence of Transactional and Analytical Data
- Craft Conference: WebAssembly at the IoT Edge
- J On The Beach: Kubernetes Probes: How to Avoid Shooting Yourself in the Foot
- S4x23 ICS Security Conference: WebAssembly at the IoT Edge
- InfluxDays: The Value of Building a Great Developer Experience
- Reactive Summit: WebAssembly for a Reactive Internet of Things
- High Performance Transaction Systems (HPTS): Scaling Systems for Critical Infrastructure
- Guest lecture at Dunin-Deshpande Queen’s Innovation Centre—Masters of Management Innovation & Entrepreneurship: From Queen’s to Tesla, and a Few Stories Along the Way
- InfoQ Live Scaling Cloud-Native Applications
- QCon Plus Track Host: Architectures You've Always Wondered About
- Reactive Summit Reactive Systems: The State of the Art for IoT
- QCon London: Tesla Virtual Power Plant (also available on YouTube)
- Why I Love Akka
- Scale By The Bay: Maximizing Throughput and Scalability for Akka Streams
- QCon San Francisco Track Host: Microservices Patterns & Practices
- QCon London: What Lies Between: The Challenges of Operationalising Microservices
- QCon San Francisco: Real-World Architecture Panel
- Reactive Summit: Keynote: From Fast-Data to a Key Operational Technology for the Enterprise
- ScalaDays New York: Streaming Telemetry with Akka Streams
- ScalaDays Berlin: Streaming Telemetry with Akka Streams
- InfluxDays New York: From Time Series Database to Key Operational Technology for the Enterprise
- Reactive Summit: Islands in the Stream Integrating Akka Streams and Akka Actors
- Scala Toronto Meetup: Akka Streams: Patterns for Streaming Measurements
- Lightbend Podcast: Integrating Akka Streams with Akka Actors In Cloud-Based Reactive Systems
- InfoQ Engineering Culture Podcast: Quality Views to Expose Technical Debt
- QCon London: Using Quality Views to Tackle Tech Debt at Tesla
- OSIsoft User Conference, Amsterdam: PI System High Availability
- OSIsoft User Conference, Frankfurt: Introducing PI System High Availability